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Please find below all of the latest news from British Berry Growers.

If you would like more information, please contact Sunny Side Up Comms on 07966 521779‬ or

British Berry Growers Position Statement on SEDEX – SMETA Audit Standards

British Berry Growers Position Statement on SEDEX – SMETA Audit Standards


BBG members make up the biggest crop group in UK horticulture, accounting for circa 30,000 of the Seasonal Workers’ Scheme (SWS) visas. Workers are generally based on one location for the period of employment in the UK – which is different to other short season crops within UK horticulture.

Grower Techniques Ensure Availability of Blackberries Through to November, Well Beyond Hedgerow Season

Grower Techniques Ensure Availability of Blackberries Through to November, Well Beyond Hedgerow Season

  • Advanced grower techniques lead to blackberries that are larger and sweeter than their hedgerow counterparts 
  • British shop-bought blackberries are larger and sweeter than hedgerow varieties.  

  • Grower techniques ensure that British blackberries are available from April until November, enjoying a 36-week season. 

  • The berry industry is now worth £1.7 billion in retail sales year-round1 and is estimated to contribute £3.18 billion to the UK economy in the next five years.2 

Bumper Raspberry Season Arrives After Hottest June Delays Start of Season

Bumper Raspberry Season Arrives After Hottest June Delays Start of Season

  • A break in hot weather brings the arrival of bigger and juicier raspberries   
  • Peak British raspberry season begins this week and will continue throughout July. 

  • Unlike strawberries – which like sunny, clear skies – raspberries thrive under partial cloud cover.   

  • Modern varieties and growing techniques mean that Brits will be able to enjoy great quality British raspberries through to December, weather permitting.  

  • The berry industry is now worth £1.7 billion in retail sales year-round1 and is estimated to contribute £3.18 billion to the UK economy in the next five years.2  

Brits ditch prudish mentality on sexual wellness

Brits ditch prudish mentality on sexual wellness

41% of Brits have become more open to talking about sex in the last decade.

  • Behavioural Psychologist Jo Hemmings and Nutritionist Dr Emma Derbyshire back the campaign by industry body British Berry Growers as The British Urology Foundation praise its research findings.
  • Over half agree conversations on sex can help reduce taboo around sexual health.
  • Just 12% try foods to boost sexual wellness; with five in six unaware blueberries may benefit.
  • ‘Luberry’, a free limited-edition blueberry flavoured lube, has been launched as part of the campaign to raise awareness of the links between food and sexual wellness.