About us

To grow year-round demand for fresh berries in the UK and support the interests of growers, both big and small


British Berry Growers is the industry body that represents 95% of all the UK’s commercial soft fruit growers, who sit at the heart of the UK’s rural economy.

We are here to secure the long-term success of the British berry industry. Our ambition is for British seasonal growers to grow delicious and nutritious berries for everyone in the UK and beyond, to continue to provide 100% of the UK’s needs and for industry exports to be 50% bigger than British sales volumes by 2035.

Our long-term vision is to ensure a thriving British berry industry to be applauded internationally for its ethical and environmental leadership.

Our organisation has four key priorities:

  • To ensure understanding of the British berry industry’s positive contribution to a sustainable rural economy and impacting politicians and influencers, persuading them of berry production’s positive contribution
  • To direct world-leading berry research and development and drives future efficiencies, and ensure that we are recognised as the best crop association in the world technically and environmentally.
  • To grow sales for berries by driving overall consumer demand
  • To identify and tackle the industry’s key risks to ensure its long-term viability and to provide issues support for the tireless work of UK berry growers

We finance and oversee a year-round proactive PR and social media campaign, Love Fresh Berries. This campaign showcases the health benefits, versatility and all-round availability of berries in the UK with the objective of growing demand for fresh berries by introducing new consumers and increasing the frequency of purchase.