British raspberry season is finally in full swing as peak production begins this week (w/c 10.07) with prolonged bumper volumes expected throughout the month.3
The late arrival follows the hottest June on record.4 Although the hot sunny weather enabled a strong establishment period for the raspberry crop, it delayed the fruit’s ripening period.
Raspberries are historically a forest plant which thrive in warm and shady environments. They benefit from consistent temperatures and partial cloud cover, which was lacking in June.
However, a return to average temperatures and mixed spells forecast throughout July5 has created the ideal conditions for the fruit to steadily ripen, creating particularly large and juicy raspberries.
Senior agronomists are forecasting that a combination of modern production techniques and carefully bred varieties will ensure that quality British raspberries can be available to consumers well into November and potentially even December.
The everchanging weather induced by climate change means that agronomists are now developing robust raspberry varieties to withstand higher temperatures.
Breeding experiments between raspberry varieties from places such as the Mediterranean and California are underway to create new crops that can thrive in Britain if temperatures continue to warm.
The berry industry in Britain is big business, with the year-round retail sales of berries standing at an all-time high of £1.7 billion.6 The berry industry is estimated to contribute £3.18 billion to the British economy in the next five years.7
Berries remain a staple for British shoppers—fresh berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries) continue to be the most popular fruit item in shoppers’ baskets, with the largest market share (28%) of all fruit sold in the UK.8
Nick Marston, chairman of British Berry Growers, the industry body that represents 95 percent of berries supplied to UK supermarkets said: “A break in record hot June weather has given way to warm conditions under partial cloud cover – ideal for the gradual ripening of raspberries. This enables the fruit to grow particularly large and juicy with bumper crops forecast throughout July.
“Raspberries continue to be a favourite among Brits, and their versatility makes them a staple in many households. Advanced cultivation techniques means that British raspberries should available on supermarket shelves well into November and even maybe December. That’s brilliant news for consumers, local farmers and the UK economy. Not only do they offer excellent flavour, but they also provide strong health benefits—packed with fibre, nutrients and antioxidants.”
July is National Berry Month, which celebrates the seasonality, versatility and health benefits of the nation’s iconic soft fruits – strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries.
This year’s theme is ‘Nature’s Vitamin’ which will showcase the host of well-known and lesser-known health benefits of berries.
Raspberry health facts9:
High in vitamin C, which may help prevent and repair skin damage from the sun.
Rich in antioxidants that may help protect against cancer and contribute to the health of the brain and neurological system.
Provide potassium, which is essential to heart function and proven to lower blood pressure.
Contain omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent stroke and heart disease.
Contain manganese, a mineral which is necessary for healthy bones.
There is a range of over 80 sweet and savoury raspberry recipes available to try on the Love Fresh Berries website at
Kantar monthly sales data 16.04.23
High level assessment of contribution of English berry businesses to the economy Report by Chavereys, commissioned by British Berry Growers, 05.04.23
British Berry Growers Product Sales and Forecast Sales w/c 07.07.2023
Met Office, Climate change impacts June temperature records,
Met Office, Long range forecast,
Kantar monthly sales data 16.04.23
High level assessment of contribution of English berry businesses to the economy Report by Chavereys, commissioned by British Berry Growers, 05.04.23
Kantar monthly sales data 16.04.23
WebMD, Health benefits of raspberries,
10th Jul 2023