British Berry Growers Research and Development (R&D) Board
British Berry Growers has a Research and Development (R&D) Board whose primary aim is to support the R&D needs of UK soft fruit growers.
BBG’s R&D Board has been established to support the R&D needs of UK soft fruit growers. This will support BBG’s long-term vision for a thriving British berry industry that is recognised internationally for its ethical and environmental leadership.
The Board oversees R&D work in two main areas: firstly, as a member of Horticulture Crop Protection Limited and secondly its own commissioned research.
Horticulture Crop Protection Limited R&D activities
BBG R&D activity includes being a member of Horticulture Crop Protection (HCP) Ltd. HCP is a collaboration of all major Crop Associations established to deliver crop protection products including EAMUs (Extension Authorisations for Minor Use) and EAs (Emergency Authorisations), biological controls and biopesticides to meet the Integrated Crop Protection (IPM) needs of UK growers.
BBG-commissioned R&D activities
The BBG R&D Board also commissions research to develop new integrated pest management (IPM) solutions for key strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry pests and diseases that affect the sustainability of the UK soft fruit sector.
R&D updates
BBG members have exclusive access to the results of our commissioned research via our regular email updates.
Working with us
We are keen to work and collaborate with researchers, businesses and other groups on solutions for soft fruit key pest and disease priorities via HCP Ltd, our directly commissioned research and on other projects where our interests overlap.
Contact the BBG R&D team to submit a research proposal or find out more about our work via email: